When it comes down to it, the long run is the most important workout for marathon preparation. So after having skipped a few of these in the last couple of weeks, bronchitis or not, I urgently needed to bag a good one.
On Sunday morning, I dragged myself out of my weekend torpor and ran outside. No excuses, no questions, it was going to be long. 
I decided to tackle the dreaded Suncrest climb, figuring that if it were a bit more hilly and intense it would feel shorter and more interesting. 
Turns out I was right. From my house, the Suncrest hill is a 3.5 mile climb with a 10 to 20% incline. I ran it up, then back down on the other side of the hill (about 4 miles steep downhill), then back up, back down (return close to home), then back up again and back down home. 20.3 miles total... Pfew! 
Lots of climbing and going down, but my legs held on surprisingly well.
The next day however, I did feel a distinct soreness in my legs and I think the spinning class never felt so hard. Those 2x20min in zone 4B really were excruciating.
Last week I also went the Sandy's Life Center Athletic club to check out their Masters' swimming program. I swam about 1800yd (what?). Yeah, I've never swum that much and it didn't feel too bad. Turns out swimming with a group is a lot more motivating. Consequently, this week I am seriously considering joining the program. (Yeah, that would be a 3rd gym membership!).
I figure that in fact swimming is where I need the most external help, so getting into a specific program seems worth the $250 per quarter...
Other than that, I spent more time relaxing playing the piano ;)
I've had this bronchitis for more than a week now and working out with it may have been a mistake. It looks like it's not going away..
I've put the running on hold once more, but kept trying to swim and spin. Saturday was the last spinning class. A 3 hour ride that really felt like hell. coughing my lungs out through the intervals was no fun.
Today I'm taking yet another day off at home.
I'm adding 2 days off work Monday and Tuesday, hoping that I'll me able to do my long run Monday..
Other than that, playing the piano for my dogs at home...
I've been taking it slow these fast couple of weeks. I reduced my running to about 10 miles a week which help me recover from my feet tendinitis.
The problem, is that when I change my routine so much due to injuries or other reasons, I tend to become so unfocused that it's hard for me to keep my motivation. I caught a bronchitis which hasn't helped either. I skipped my long run for the 2nd week in a row, and with Boston around the corner that is really not good.
My next race is a sprint triathlon though on 3/30/13. It's a local race and I'm doing it to get into the triathlon racing grove and learn as much as I can.

Other than that, the cycling class is finishing this week with a 3 hour spinning session this coming Saturday (I can't wait). 
I have continued to work on my swimming (although a little more sporadically lately) and I have taken the resolution to swim at least 1000 yards everytime I go to the pool now (In my mind, the only way I'm going to improve). Swimming is still painful for me and I never really look forward to it. 
I have to keep in mind the progress that I have made though. From struggling to swim 25 yards to now 1000 yards without stopping. I am slow and uncomfortable, but still improving...
I made a long video (about 6min) of my last 1000 yard swim and it always surprises me to see my movements in the water. When I swim, I have no awareness of these wild kicks or the way I fail to extend my feet.
The gopro is definitely my friend in my striving to become a better swimmer...

I have taken a couple of weeks off running to try to recover from the persistent pain I've experienced on the top of my feet for a while now. Last week I ran only 6 miles at the beginning of the week, and skipped everything else including the long run. I have been popping ibuprofens like candy and tried various freeze  creams. Despite all that, I am still sore after my runs. 
These small injuries are really frustrating... Pain or not, I am resuming the training this week with a vengeance. Monday was an easy 10 miler and today I did 6 miles of hard intervals on the treadmill: 1 mile @ 7.5 mph, 1 mile @ 10.5 mph x2, then various fartlek / tempo speed changes between 8 and 12 mph. The 6 miles took just 40 minutes and I was pretty happy to be able to complete this workout, especially right after a hard 75 minute bike workout.
In the last week, I didn't do as much weight or core training either. When I slow down the cardio like that it gets harder to stay motivated in any area...
I got a few good days at the pool and finally managed 1000 yards without stopping and without too much struggle. However, the swim remains frustrating. Everytime I stop swimming for a coudple of days I almost fall back down to square one. I have to stop every 100 yards or so and lose my breath quickly...
I plan to post another video of my swim this week to analyse my form...

Finally the weather is starting to get warmer, I'm going to have to get used to working out outside again. The spinning class is coming to an end in a few weeks 

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